Monday, September 30, 2013

Accountability is Key

 Confession time: I fell off the fitness wagon last week. I started slacking a couple weeks ago, but made up for my missed lunges (see lunge challenge) and stayed strong with 3-4 days of cardio (not my ideal 5), and I was even using MyFitnessPal to track all of my meals-- and snacks! I was in a good rhythm, that is until last week. I don't know what happened... wait, I take that back. Laziness happened. I succumbed to that little voice in my head telling me not to go to the gym, that I was too tired to do my run, and to eat as many breadsticks as I wanted to. And now I want to kick that little voices ass because I just gained back all those cals I burned weeks prior. The truth is being lazy is easy and getting off your tush can be rough sometimes... I decided to go with the easy route. But oh well, the show must go on, and that it will-- and in a bigger way I might add. Because now that I've gotten so off course from the lunge challenge, I restarted today (you will get those after pics). This week also marks the first week of half-marathon training-- in which I will be the sole participant in my own personal halfie, which will consist of me running 13.1 miles, probably in the snow, on the trails and roads of Lansing and East Lansing. It must be done though; I won't hold myself accountable if I'm not following a strict schedule... so a strict schedule it is!

That being said, what makes you accountable? Perhaps it's writing it down, or having a friend or family member keep you on track, or maybe you're like me and you need to follow a schedule. Whatever it may be, practice it. You know yourself better than anyone, so just do what you have to do to get on track-- regardless if it's for an active lifestyle, or better eating habits, or just life in general. Don't make excuses, hold yourself accountable for your actions-- or lack thereof.

Sure, I may have fallen off a bit, but the moral of the story is that I'm not staying off; I'm putting on my Nikes and jumping right back on. I realize what I did wrong and I know what it takes for me to be accountable, so rather than setting myself up for failure, I'm going to follow my schedule to a tee and tell that little voice in my head to shut up, and I'll just watch as the pounds fall off and the abs form. ;) That's my recipe for success-- what's yours?

If you couldn't think of anything to make you accountable, maybe Ryan Gosling will do the trick. He has faith in you, girl! ;)

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