Monday, September 2, 2013

Motivational Monday Challenge: Create a Vision Board!

I Spy... a nugget nose.

Previously I wrote about Jim Carrey and how he used visualization to make his dreams a reality. He is not the only successful figure to use this goal-setting technique though. In fact, many notable individuals have promoted the use of a physical representations of goals, such as vision boards and goal-setting journals to achieve success. One of my personal role model's, Bethenny Frankel, is one of these individuals. After listening to her put so much stock into creating a vision board, I decided to make one for myself-- how can you turn down the advice of a businesswoman of that caliber? Seriously. The way I look at it is if I can achieve half the success she has in creating and branding a multimillion dollar product, I will be one happy chick. 

So I bought a poster board and broke out my trusty glue stick and scissors and got to work. I chose photos that represented what I want out of life both personally and professionally, which included several photos of dogs (including Corgis, of course), fancy vehicles, fit bodies, women I look up to, and more. My goals of being a successful, financially comfortable businesswoman are more than apparent upon looking at my board, but so are my dreams of being a fit, animal-saving, season-ticket-holding, big-city-living, world traveler with a Master's degree.

Many of you reading this may be rolling your eyes and thinking these goals are far-fetched and unattainable-- or just plain weird, and that's fine-- just don't come asking to ride in my boat at my private lake house in 10 years. ;) Seriously though, if that's your reaction to my future, I'm going to go ahead and assume that you have the same doubts when it comes to your own and that you're probably not dreaming big enough... so cut it out! Put all of your dreams out there and take the proper steps forward in order to make the visions on your board a reality. I can't make any guarantees, but I'm sure you won't regret it. 

I keep my vision board in a safe place in my room and just broke it out for the first time in months and was greeted by the same goosebumps I got when I first created it back in March. There is something so exciting and hopeful about the unknown that is the future and the fact that we can shape it however we want. This board is representative of everything I want out of life and I cannot wait until the day I look at it smiling, with an immense feeling of accomplishment and pride that I achieved all that I set out to and more. And that's what a vision board is. It keeps us motivated with our eyes on the prize and serves as a sort of physical checklist-- the biggest checklist you may ever create. 

So go ahead, grab the biggest poster board you can find and get to work. Keep adding on to it as time goes on, create several boards, do what you have to to make your board to suit you. And remember to take it out when you're feeling discouraged, when you get fired or quit your job, when you can't lose that last five pounds, when the offer for your dream house falls through, when you keep hitting walls in what you're trying to accomplish and need that extra push. Use it as a reminder that you still have time; that these are just challenges that will make it so worth it in the end when you can look at your vision board and say "I did it!". 

I leave you with some ideas of what images to include in your own vision board:
  • Dream jobs
  • Bucket list items
  • Dream cars and homes
  • Personal goals
  • Where you'd like to live
  • Fitness goals
  • Your ideal lifestyle 
These are just some suggestions, remember this board is representative of your own unique aspirations, so go crazy! Put anything you want on there that will light a fire under your tush and get you to achieving your goals. The world is your oyster. Reach for the stars. Take the bulls by it's horns. Life's a garden, dig it! (OK, I'm not sure if the last one really applied but I love Joe Dirt, so I thought I'd throw it in there-- plus it's kind of motivational... right?). Good luck on your vision board; I'd love to see what you come up with or what you already have created, so feel free to share! Thank you for reading and I hope your Monday was very motivational. ;)
XO Danielle

Frank approves of mama's vision board! ;)

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