Thursday, September 1, 2011

You CAN do it all: Balancing a full-time job and a puppy

OK so, being that I am a dog lover and having had one my whole life, it's only natural that I wanted one once I moved from a college house to a pet-friendly, big-girl apartment. So, that's what I got a week after we moved in. Now, I've heard all the warnings, especially from my Dad: "It's a lot of work", "They're a huge responsibility", "You're not going to have enough time for him since you're working full-time".. but none of it stopped me (not much does). Once I have something in my mind, it's hard to talk me out of it. I had a Corgi on my mind, and a Corgi's what I got. The cutest Corgi alive, might I mention. 

His name is Frank and he is the best. Eric works double shifts all week and I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have Frank around to keep me company after I got off at 5. Actually, I do know what I'd do: sleep, watch TV, and be lazy. With him, I'm running around, walking with him, and playing. But one of the things my dad warned me about rang true, I really did feel so bad about leaving him home alone while Eric and I worked. Now, I do take lunch for an hour to come home and check on him, but I still feel guilty, until I came up with two game plans that would ease my mind:

1) Get another dog
--Now I know this one sounds crazy, but I want him to have someone to play with during the day... plus I'd love another Corgi, I've heard they're better in multiples ;) 
So I'm doing that, but I'm waiting until December to get her because I wanna wait till Frank's potty trained, but I also want to get one while he's still young and accepting of sharing the house with another dog. I'm going to be getting a little red and white girl from the same breeder, can't wait!

2) Skype surveillance
--This sounds nuts, but it puts my mind to rest about Frank being alone. I created a second Skype account and programmed it to automatically answer when receiving an incoming call. I situated the camera to cover the entire kitchen where he is kept, and when I get to work I call. Voila, two places at once! Little did I know, Frank sleeps the entire time-- so I really have nothing to worry about, but it's nice knowing what he's doing. And, god forbid something did happen, I'd be able to rush home immediately.

So don't listen to all the nonsense about how people with full-time jobs shouldn't have pets, that's not fair to us, or the dogs who would be missing out on some really great parents. They'll be fine and entertain themselves (or sleep) the whole time you're gone-- just make sure you make up for the missed time when you get home. And, if you're a nut like me, you can use Skype to relieve your worries.

My little lover at 9 1/2 weeks and I, match made in heaven <3

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