Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Meet my Corgs

In today's post I'd like to introduce you to my nuggets, although most of you are probably lucky enough to know them already. These little dogs are my best friends and the inspiration behind my blog title, so I found it only fair to dedicate a post to them. And I'll be using special photos in honor of Shark Week. ;)

First I bring you Franklin Izzo, or Frank. 

He is my little social butterfly and loves just about everyone. His silly personality is apparent in the millions of photos I take of him just posing for the camera, as he loves being the center of attention. He also loves to eat, play ball, and snuggle with me. Every morning he walks up the little stairs to our bed and spoons with me-- it's the greatest wake-up call in the world. He doesn't seem to be ashamed of being a mama's boy, as he tends to follow me around wherever I go, but I wouldn't have it any other way. He is my first baby and there's an undeniable bond there.

And then there's Ellie Louise, my little sassafrass.

Ellie is our little "Perma-Puppy", because she is so small and still has such puppy-like features. Don't let her young and innocent appearance fool you though, she has quite the attitude problem. El has the worst Napolean complex I have ever seen and I swear she looks in the mirror and sees an 80-lb Pit bull. She growls at nearly every passerby and dog we come across, and her bark will let everyone within a 5-mile radius know if there is a noise or disturbance she doesn't like. Deep down she is a little softy though, and that side comes out especially when Eric walks through the door. Oh, does she love her daddy, as she's always laying on his lap and sitting by his feet (if you follow me on Instagram you know this, as I can't get enough of it).

These are my fur babies and they're my world. They will be standing up in our upcoming wedding as the Ring Bearer and Flower Girl, and I think it will be the most precious, personal touch to our big day. I've been teased countless times by people saying that I am obsessed with them-- and I guess this post only reinforces that theory, so maybe it is true... but I don't mind. I'm guessing if they were your dogs you'd understand-- but thank God they're not. ;) 

I hope you enjoyed reading about my nuggets as much as I enjoyed writing about them (but let's be honest, you probably didn't). Happy Hump Day and Shark Week, and thanks for stopping by! <-- name that movie! Ha ha, goodnight loves!

xox Danielle


  1. Well, because of my love for these little, fur babies, I will have to say this is my fav when it comes to your blog - you can never say too much or show enough pics of these sweet, little creatures!!!! I love the fact that you have them representing shark week - you're truly a girl after my own heart!!! Keep up your extraordinary work Ms. Smith........and by all means, keep me updated on my nuggets!!

  2. I have a corgi myself who is something of a mix in personality of your two corgi's loves everyone and will generally bark or growl at the window when people she is not kosher with walk by. But she is a total daddies girl though she loves us both she has two separate special bonds with my husband and I
