Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday is Not Only Bride Day...

...Friday is also the end of a crazy work week. The I-need-to-finish-laundry-day. Friday is one of two nights I have to finish work for a conference that's on Sunday. And finish material for the APB's newsletter-- due the day after I get back from said conference. Friday is so many things right now I can't even keep them all straight. Basically this a fancy way of me telling you there will not be a "Bride Day" post today. I know, I know, one week in and I'm already bailing-- super bad timing to take on a million projects, ya girl's gotta prioritize! :)
I did start working on a post about Engagement Photos and it's about halfway done, but I want to make sure it's up to par, so you can look forward to that next Friday-- I will be posting, promise.

So wish me luck in finishing my millions of projects in time. I will be in Arizona Sunday morning until Wednesday, but I do have something good scheduled for my Motivational Monday post, so look forward to that. Thank you for reading and have a fabulous weekend!

Next week: Learn how to make your engagement photos fun and unique.

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